Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Almost a Victim

Prepare yourself for a rant...

I love biking.

I try to stay off the roads and keep myself on trails, just safer and not as scary for me.

Today was a beautiful day, sunny, great temperature, WAY windy (getting pelted with sand and sticks while riding a bike is no fun and I don't recommend it, but that is another blog entry entirely) and I decided to blow off some steam and stress while on my lovely blue Schwinn.

Everything was going great, my heart rate was up, I was sweating and feeling "good". I stop at a cross walk, drink some of my water, the cross walk turns to "walk", I get the first tire of my bike into the road and in my peripheral vision I see a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee turning the corner, I grab both my brakes and (thank God) stop before she hits me (yes SHE, I definitely saw HER face), as I am throwing my arms up like an angry New Yorker who gets their cab taken, I see that she is texting on her cell phone...TEXTING ON HER CELL PHONE!!!! She NEVER saw me and just kept driving! I am so grateful that I saw her, if not who knows what would have happened...

People...Texting and Driving=not good...QUIT IT!!

Thank you very much and I apologize for my rant.

Live your life full of photos...and love.

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