Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago...we still remember.

10 years ago today, I remember it vividly.

I was a sophomore at OU, that particular morning, my class wasn't until 10am, I had taken a shower and was in my room listening to the radio and getting ready for class. The radio broadcast was pretty somber and I was just about to switch the station when I heard, 'reports out of New York are saying an airplane has hit the World Trade Center'. I immediately raced downstairs to turn on the TV and saw the most disturbing sight, one of the towers was on fire...not too long after that, I saw the second airplane fly into the other tower-my stomach sank to my feet. I called my mom in tears, this couldn't be happening...all this talk of possibly terrorism as the suspect, I didn't even know what terrorism was!

I ended up not going to my class, but did go to work that afternoon at a local physical therapy clinic. My entire 7 hour shift, not 1 patient or fitness member came through the doors, all of the employees were glued to the TV in the gym. What an incredibly terrifying day in American history, but at the same time, how unifying for the country. We came together that day 10 years ago, it is important we continue to show solidarity, we cannot let 'them' win.

So, today, I felt like I HAD to do something. I went to a memorial ceremony at a local fire station, honoring the service men that helped and lost their lives on that terrifying day 10 years ago. The ceremony was very nice, the fire chief spoke, the fire chaplain led a prayer, kiddos from a local elementary school sang some beautiful songs and there was even a piece of steel from the World Trade Center that was dedicated today.

Talk about powerful, seeing that piece of steel, knowing where it was 10 years ago today was pretty intense, imaging what all the people went through that were in that building that the steel was supporting-very overwhelming.

Lastly, on this day of remembrance, I would like to share a poem by Laurence Binyon (written after the bombing of Pearl Harbor) that was part of the memorial service that I went to today:

They shall not grow old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them.

Lest we forget.

Live your life full of photos...and love.

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